December 18-21, 2017

to Add to Calendar 2017-12-18 10:00:00 2017-12-21 10:00:00 December 18-21, 2017 Location Agency Platform - Standard [email protected] America/Phoenix public

Audio Minutes

Hearing Date Name ADC Number Hearing Type Audio File Link to Audio File
James Baker 152532 Commutation of Sentence Phase I Listen
Bobby Barnell 068535 Revocation TIS Listen
Christopher Billings None Pardon Listen
Michael Brewer 109726 Revocation TIS Listen
Kyle Brock 297797 Commutation of Sentence Phase I Listen
Victor Burns 291796 Revocation TIS Listen
Joseph Burns 286847 Commutation of Sentence Phase I Listen
Kyle Bush 318808 Revocation TIS Listen
Robert Campillo 095213 Revocation TIS Listen
Bill Clark 100030 412A Parole/HA/411 Listen