November 27-30, 2017

to Add to Calendar 2017-11-27 10:00:00 2017-11-30 10:00:00 November 27-30, 2017 Location Agency Platform - Standard [email protected] America/Phoenix public

Audio Minutes

Hearing Date Name ADC Number Hearing Type Audio File Link to Audio File
Jon Phillips 271676 Revocation TIS Listen
Jose Robles 030270 412A Parole/HA/411 Listen
Erica Rodriguez 251136 Revocation TIS Listen
Violet Rose 277674 Revocation TIS Listen
Adrian Ruiz 260435 Revocation TIS Listen
Edward Smith 059706 412B Parole/411 Listen
Adam Socolof 201559 Revocation TIS Listen
Anthony Sotelo 088137 Revocation TIS Listen
Raymond Southern 101802 412B Parole/411 Listen
Raymond Southern 101802 Revocation TIS Listen